Design-Build Construction
Streamline Your Project
You want simplified construction. You want design-build.
Construction projects are most efficiently managed by assigning full responsibility to one team—an experienced design-build team.
When you choose Construction Management, Inc., we take full responsibility for quality, completion dates, and costs. Your best interest are our best interests.
Our clients report:
- better budget control
- highly managed quality control
- shorter overall completion time
You get one company to deal with and one team to expertly solve any issues that arise on your project.
You aren’t limited to an architect or designer, and we work with your chosen firm to create an ideal solution and predict problems before they require change orders.
Since the early ’80s, Construction Management, Inc. has utilized this process and now, about 50% of all our projects use the design-build method.
We bring our industry experience and project management expertise to construct a high-quality, value-engineered building. Guaranteed.
How Does Design-Build Make Construction Easier?
The Design-Build method streamlines the building process and establishes a reliable project budget sooner than traditional Design-Bid-Build construction.
Construction times are also condensed with design-build. Often, your project can move forward with sitework before others projects have even opened bidding. Expensive change orders are also greatly reduced thanks to the collaborative environment—saving you both time and money.

Benefits of Our Process
- Single-source responsibility
- Project costs established sooner
- Condensed construction schedules
- Innovative solutions
- Greater control for you
- Team approach
- More experience
- Unequaled quality
- Fewer changes
- Improved risk management